20. Iron Man 2 (2010)

I don't dislike Iron Man 2, or any of these films to be truthful. Call it fan bias if you will. There are some things about the film that seem off, however. Tony's a real jerk here, and it's fine to have another redemption story of sorts, but it was done the first go-round. Black Widow's introduction is trite in retrospect, complete with plenty of hair-flipping. Otherwise there are some nice performances and great action, and it's interesting to witness the Marvel machine gaining traction, even with a "weak" film.
19. Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Upon viewing this one in the theater, I remember thinking, "That's exactly what I was expecting. No more, no less.". The middle Thor entry does its job, and does it commendably. It widens the Thor mythos, gives us bigger action, and attempts to add humor that would be used to full effect in Ragnarok. The Dark World's biggest weakness is a forgettable villain, as his motives are even more forgettable than he is, but the movie delivers plenty of hammer-swinging fun to make it a good enough time.
18. The Incredible Hulk (2008)

After the total disaster that was 2003's Hulk, this movie seemed like the greatest comic book adaptation of all time. It wasn't, but I really enjoy this great mash-up of the 70's TV show, the comic book, and the MCU. Edward Norton didn't reprise the role, and now that Ruffalo's made it his own, that's fine. The casting difference does make this film seem to stick out, or fade away depending on your perspective. All in all it's a great Hulk movie, and can really be viewed on its own apart from the MCU.
17. Doctor Strange (2016)

While the origin story in Doctor Strange resembles the one in the first Iron Man, there's enough differentiating the two characters to keep them separate. I appreciate the way this film handles the mystical, magical side of the MCU, and make a character I didn't care much for quite likable. Wild effects propel the story, and casting, despite controversy, is near-perfect. Dr. Strange's current involvement in the Avengers films proves interesting, and helps make this movie an easier one to revisit.
16. Ant-Man (2015)

Ant-Man works well as an action-comedy, heist movie, or family adventure (almost). It's one of the most fun movies in the MCU, and features a cast that fits the bill rather well. This movie is a refreshing change of pace in this series, with its (ahem) smaller scale and not-quite-world-threatening plot to put a stop to. Most of the sight gags work, and the introduction of the quantum realm will likely have some significance in upcoming movies.
15. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

The most recent MCU film allows fans to take a breather after Infinity War. A step up from the previous entry, Ant-Man and the Wasp gives Evangeline Lilly more time to shine as the counterpart to Rudd's Scott Lang. Great additions to an already impressive cast, nice action and effects, and a story to care about make this a solid MCU chapter. It's fun and light but also has bearing on the rest of the overarching story this franchise is telling.
14. Iron Man 3 (2013)

Iron Man 3 has Tony Stark feeling the effects of the aftermath from the battle of New York in The Avengers, struggling to make sense of it all. Meanwhile he has to face the threat of the Mandarin and the Ten Rings. Action-packed, violent, and surprising, IM3 caps the trilogy with a massive battle, further altering the Iron Man legend and raising the stakes for future MCU movies.
13. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

For all of the impressiveness of this behemoth of a movie, it just doesn't hold up as well as some of the other films in this franchise. The action is spectacular, the villain is great, the effects are well done, and the humor is just right. When all is said and done, however, the weight of the film has lifted like Sokovia, and I can't quite put my finger on why. Still an enjoyable watch, though.
12. Black Panther (2018)
Many may balk at the Oscar-nominated Black Panther being out of the top-ten, but it just doesn't quite get there for me. Not that it isn't a great film, one that accomplishes so much, especially for a "super-hero movie". I'm glad this film is getting the credit and respect it deserves. Action, drama, exotic locales, and great characters are in abundance, with a dash of humor to boot. Looking forward to the next installment!
11. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Guardians of the Galaxy proved that Marvel could reach into its quiver, pull out an obscure title that only fans would recognize, and turn it into a blockbuster. Funny, action-packed, heart-wrenching (that opening scene!), and weird, GotG somehow manages to entertain with its oddball cast of characters and far-out premise. Comic fans rejoiced, and the general public took a fancy to the Star Wars of the MCU.
10. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

The third film in the Thor trilogy just went for it. Colorful, with Jack Kirby-inspired set pieces that set the new tone for the character. This movie is very funny, but there is also some great action and effects. Thor may seem a bit too different from previous films, but who really cares? The Hulk is along for the fun, as well as a scene-stealing Jeff Goldblum. This one also may have the best trailer for any MCU film to date.
9. Thor (2011)

Many have put this one on the bottom tier of their lists, but I simply love this movie. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for the fish-out-of-water story, or maybe it's the redemption story we've all gotten so familiar with. Either way, Thor is great entertainment. Director Kenneth Branagh brings a regal flair to the proceedings, and despite the distraction of some S.H.I.E.L.D. shenanigans, this is one of the best comic book origin films.
8. Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Wow, this movie is packed to the gills with comic book slugfests, and packed with a ridiculous amount of characters. It's a bit overwhelming, so much so that it does seem more an Avengers film than a solo Cap movie. That's OK, though. Cap and The Avengers go hand-in-hand. With all the action and characters, there's still a dramatic heft here that pulls the film together. Sure, the jokes were a little overdone during the final melee, but what a final melee.
7. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Guardians 2 improves upon the original in that the characters are established, it's funnier and more colorful, the stakes are even higher, and Kurt Russell is in it. Add a Sylvester Stallone cameo, and a dash of Hasselhoff, and what more could one want? This movie is purely entertaining, and the most fun I've had at the movies in years. A great example of what the cosmic side of the MCU could have been under James Gunn's leadership, but we won't get into that here...
6. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

A contender for best Spider-Man film yet? Quite possibly. This latest version of the friendly neighborhood web-slinger seems to perfectly blend the classic Peter Parker from the Sam Raimi trilogy and the modernized version portrayed by Andrew Garfield. Fresh and exciting, with a great cast and spot-on humor keeping this franchise from seeing any signs of fatigue. Even an appearance from Tony Stark doesn't overshadow what's going on here. Well done.
5. Iron Man (2008)

The one that started off this whole shared-universe MCU thing. Iron Man still holds up so well, as an origin story, action film, comic book movie, you name it. Marvel took a chance, and did it ever pay off. Thanks to Robert Downey Jr., Tony Stark has become a household name, and kids everywhere thrill to the sight of the armor-clad hero flying his way into action. Worth a place in the top-ten alone simply for being the film that kick-started a billion-dollar franchise.
4. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
4. Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)

Cap being my favorite character and all, I'm a little biased toward this film. I do feel it offers the best origin story of the MCU, and the sense of adventure is undeniable. The action is solid, but there should be more of it, and the effects during the climax are distractingly bad. Those faults aside, this is one the most crowd-pleasing films in the series, and one of my all-time go-to's for entertainment value.
3. The Avengers (2012)

The first culmination of the first five movies in the MCU made history. An event like this was unprecedented, and yet it worked wonderfully. The Avengers wasn't just a comic book fan's dream, it was a crowd-pleasing blockbuster, an action-filled, special-effects extravaganza. The finale of this film is still one of the best sequences in any super-hero movie, and is rarely topped. Yes, the Marvel films have gotten bigger since this one, but The Avengers still impresses on many levels.
2. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Some critics came down on this movie for not telling a complete story, but I guess they missed the point. Infinity War is part one of a two-part Avengers epic. Epic is just the right word to describe this film. It's a huge movie, bringing together a massive cast and providing even bigger battles. Thanos proves to be a formidable villain, perfectly portrayed through motion capture by Josh Brolin. It's amazing that this film works so well with all that it packs in, but it does. One of the best blockbusters in quite some time.
1. Captain America: The Winter Solider (2014)

I wasn't the biggest fan of The Winter Soldier arc in the comic book version, but this movie took the ideas from that story and made one of the more unique MCU films out there. Acting as a political thriller/action film, Winter Soldier doesn't disappoint when it comes to story and action. Throw in some road movie motifs and this is simply one of my favorite films of all-time. This is the movie my 12-year-old self would have freaked out over, and I'm glad I got to see a film finally do justice to my favorite character.
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