10. Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams Volume 2

This book highlights the art of Neal Adams rather than presenting a cohesive story arc. Adam's art defined the look of Batman for the 70's, and the stories they corresponded with gave readers a darker tone than that of the previous decade's POW! OOF! shenanigans. There's some great stuff here, with the introduction of the Man-Bat, which is ridiculous yet compelling at the same time. Also included is a cover gallery and insightful commentary by Adams, who's comic book art really was a game changer for the industry.
9. S.H.I.E.L.D. by Steranko - The Complete Collection

While the stories here are fun, a little psychedelic, and action-packed, the art is the showcase of this collection. The earlier stories are a bit more traditional, from a story and an artistic perspective. Once Steranko started writing his own material, his art really took a jump into the iconic look Nick Fury fans know and love. This is 60's pop-art at its finest, with Steranko taking chances with a medium that had gotten comfortable. He uses collage, real photos, and non-traditional panel layouts (or no panels at all) to maximum effect. Even though the writing may leave a little to be desired, the artwork is worth the price of admission alone.
8. Superman for All Seasons

Any time Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale collaborate on a project, expectations are always high. Superman for All Seasons is no exception. This love letter to the Man of Steel offers a Norman Rockwell-esque Americana that works so well one can smell the warm apple pie cooling on the window sill. Big panels depicting big action go hand-in-hand with intimate character moments, giving the reader the perfect balance of iconic imagery and emotional storytelling. A must-read.
7. Green Lantern/Green Arrow

Another Neal Adams collection, another industry game-changer. The team of Dennis O'Neal and Adams, like they did with Batman, revolutionized two more of DCs heroes. Perhaps comic creators in the 70's were growing tired of being associated with "kiddie books", so they decided to shake things up. Green Lantern and Green Arrow team up not to fight multiple super-powered villains, but to tackle hot-button issues such as politics, drugs, population control, and the environment. Great writing, great art, great collection.
6. Captain Marvel by Jim Starlin - The Complete Collection

These stories will likely be getting a little more attention with the impending arrival of the Captain Marvel movie in theaters. This version of the character is Marvel's original, and these stories are some of the best cosmic Marvel tales I have ever read. Starlin manages to combine action, drama, humor, and craziness into a seamless whole. Also featured here are some of the first Thanos stories, and a dramatic end to the first Captain Marvel.
5. Captain America Epic Collection - The Coming of...The Falcon

Captain America is my favorite super-hero, so I could easily fill this list with ten collections of Cap's tales. I settled for two, and this one represents the best of the material from the classic Lee/Kirby run of the 1960's. We've got the first appearance of the Falcon, plenty of Red Skull villainy, and Cap's continued infatuation with Sharon "Agent 13" Carter. The melodrama is thick, but this era of Marvel is so fun and optimistic, and Kirby's art impresses from page to page.
4. Moon Knight Epic Collection - Shadows of the Moon

I can't quite put my finger on what draws me to Moon Knight, but I'm fascinated with this character. More than a low-rent Batman, Moon Knight is a complex character that flirts with the macabre and struggles with his own identity. Later versions of Moon Knight went the vigilante route and then dealt with mental illness, but this version is definitive. Let's also not forget about the wonderful cast of supporting characters. Great storytelling by Doug Moench, and spectacular art by the under-appreciated Bill Sienkiewicz make this some of the best Marvel published in the early 80's.
3. Marvels

Marvel characters have become iconic, part of pop-culture, and household names. This story acknowledges that and tells the history of the Marvel Universe from the perspective of a photojournalist. It's really an astounding feat of artistry, with a gripping yet emotional script by Kurt Busiek and amazing painted artwork by Alex Ross. If anyone ever questions whether or not comic books are a viable art form, all they need do is crack open the pages of Marvels and their questions will be laid to rest.
2. Avengers Epic Collection - Under Siege

My favorite Avengers story, Under Siege presents the Mightiest Heroes being hit where they live, literally. I recall the impact this run had on me when I read it issue to issue. The stakes are high, as characters are mortally wounded, and villains die. The writing is tight, and the art by John Buscema and Tom Palmer is some of the best the title has ever seen. Also included are a pair of fun Annuals, but the Under Siege run is fine Avengers storytelling.
1. Captain America Epic Collection - Dawn's Early Light

I love Marvel's Epic Collections. They're thick, with high-quality paper, collecting several issues of each significant Marvel title. This collection features my favorite run in all of comic book-dom: the Roger Stern/John Byrne run from #247-255. It's short, but it brought new life to the iconic character, giving him a new supporting cast, a new girlfriend, and some classic foes to battle. Cap takes on Batroc, Mr. Hyde, Baron Blood, and even manages to get nominated for the Presidency! This run also includes the definitive version of Cap's origin. Aside from the Stern/Byrne issues, there are a few issues here drawn by my all-time favorite artist, Mike Zeck. It's a can't-miss collection for Cap fans, and an all-around fun representation of the comics medium.
Some other titles that came close to cracking the top-ten include, in alphabetical order:
-Aquaman - The Drowning
-Batman - Year One
-Captain America Epic Collection - all other volumes currently available!
-Crisis on Infinite Earths
-The Man of Steel (John Byrne)
-Moon Knight - Reincarnations
-Batman - Year One
-Captain America Epic Collection - all other volumes currently available!
-Crisis on Infinite Earths
-The Man of Steel (John Byrne)
-Moon Knight - Reincarnations
-The Punisher War Journal by Carl Potts and Jim Lee
-X-Men - Days of Future Past
-X-Men - Days of Future Past